This year’s US Army Deep Sea Diver’s Reunion is being held in Hampton Virginia on
the third weekend of September at the
Landing Hotel
in the historic part of Hampton.

By booking your room with this link at the Landing Hotel you help pay
for the event as USADA is required to book so many rooms in the hotel to have an
event there. The earlier you book the better an event we can have as all
planning is based off the number of bookings.

The basic schedule for the reunion is currently evolving. With COVID and the
reduced staff in many places we have had a hard time getting companies to jump
on pricing and agreements more than 6 months out. However, here is what we can

14 September, Wednesday

Hospitality room will be open some time after 1600.  No big plans Just getting together with anyone showing up early.

15 September, Thursday.

Hospitality and registration room will be open at 1200.

Historical walk and pub crawl. start time still to be determined.

16 September, Friday

0800 Golf tournament at Fort Eustis.

Cost is $40 club rental is $35

Alternate Friday morning activity this time is guided tour through the Mariners museum by Markus (the historian who walked us through Portsmouth 5 years ago. .

Historically, the active duty has been able to open up the detachment area
for tours and hotdogs after the golf tournament. This will be contingent on
their mission requirements and is impossible to verify at until much closer to
the reunion.


1700 to midnight Friday night social. Frankly the single biggest event of
the weekend. This is the one that has historically had the most people

17 September, Saturday 1400 to 1800

Picnic in the Park !

Spend the morning with friends, both old and new. Then check out all the things Hampton has to offer.

Saturday Social will be family friendly

Mill Point Park in Hampton will be the location for the family day from 1400 to 1800

BBQ, bounce house, and more.

Then in the evening there will be a pub crawl planned for old town Hampton!