Privacy Policy

Who we are

US Army Diver’s Association (USADA) is working to collect and maintain the history of US army Engineer(DeepSea) Diving. While continuing the brotherhood and support that is a corner stone of Deep Sea Divers!


On these pages the USADA will collect stories, pictures and documents that partain to the work and life of the US Army DeepSea Diver (Engineer Diver) throughout our military service.

Please keep in mind even if these pages are only shared between us divers and a few others:

  • Do not post anything the could contain Operational security items
  • Do not post anything that could be of a classified nature
  • DO not post anything the shows an illegal activity
  • Do not post anything that could cause harm or loss of reputation of someone
  • Do not be an asshole

When uploading these files place on the page you feel best fits.  Then tag the file itself with as much information as possible.  Eventually you will be able to search the files for the tags throughout the various pages and pull up any picture, article or post about that tag.

Website Membership

Website and ADA Membership are not required to access most of this website. However, to post, download or access some of the information you will be required to obtain a user name and password.

Our goal is to be as transparent as possible while maintaining the integrity of our information and historical media