2024 USADA Reunion

September 19th Through the 22

click the USADA emblem to reach the registration page

click here to register for the 2024 reunion

We are now taking registrations for the events during the Reunion. Please check out of registration page.

The Hospitality room will be open on Thursday so get here early and link up with old friends.

At the last reunion many asked for a way to contact those who are coming to the reunion ahead of time so if you are interested in letting other divers know you are coming please fill out the questionnaire at the end of the registration page.

Also, before you check out take a look at our store front and stock up on black and gold t-shirts hoodies and more! the dollar or two we make off those goes to support the USADA and this website.



Currently we have up to 35 rooms set aside at a group rate. So book soon!!

check back often as we get closer. If you have booked and don’t mind letting people know you have booked drop a note at the bottom of the page that you will be attending!


For the first time we will be holding a reunion in the midwest. As many may recall many divers have served in various positions at Fort Leonard Wood MO. As a result we have a large contingent of divers in the state of Missouri who have graciously taken up the torch to host the next reunion. Please check back often for updates on planned events and the agenda for the reunion!

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  1. I’m coming and can’t wait! Ashamed it took so long for me to commit to attend one of these. Especially hoping to see some of my 86th brothers – 20 yrs after our OIF deployment! Thanks to Tyler Dodd for the reminder.

  2. The “Secret Order of the U.S. Army Divers in Vietnam” will be showing up in force. Dana Storts, Mike Garver, Bill McFarlane, and myself. Mike and I are looking into a AirBnB… Any of you other Vietnam Vets interested in joining in 9/19 to 9/22 or 23. We’re also putting together the 2nd “Secret Order” Reunion. The first one was held a few years back here in Tennessee. Mike Garver, Harry Schmitz and myself recreated a night on the Mekong River here on Old Hickory Lake. Let us know if you might be interested joining us at our AirBnB. Only qualifications: Dove in Vietnam, and you’re still alive. Email me @ [email protected] & put “Secret Order” in the subject line.

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